The installation process for Ruby on Rails is different depending on whether you are running Windows, MacOS, or Linux:

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Installation and Usage. Download and install. Windows 8 users may need to disable SmartScreen for the installer to work. (Don't forget to use FCIV linked below to verify that you downloaded the correct file.) Open ' RailsFTW ยป Start Command Prompt with Ruby '. Create an app using the ' rails new ' command e.g. This note assumes that Ruby on Rails has already been properly installed and the purpose is to replace the default DB engine SQLite with PostgreSQL. Install PostgreSQL. As shown in the official Postgres download instructions here, there are few ways of installing PostgreSQL on Mac OS.

  • Install Ruby. To do this, download the file rubyinstaller-1.8.7-p299.exe, execute it, and follow the instructions to install Ruby in the default location (C:/Ruby187). Select the checkbox that adds the Ruby binary directory to your Path.
  • Install Gems (Ruby's packaging mechanism). To do this, download the zip file Inside the zip file is a folder named rubygems-1.3.7; extract this folder to C:rubygems-1.3.7. Open a cmd window, cd to C:rubygems-1.3.7, make sure there is a file setup.rb in that directory, then invoke the following command:
  • Use the Gem system to install Rails. To do this, invoke the following command:
  • Be sure to specify the version (-v 2.3.8); if you don't, then you will get a newer version of Rails. This was released shortly before the beginning of the term and we had some problems with it, so we recommend staying with the older version.
  • Install Sqlite3. To do this, download the zip file, open the zipped folder, and copy the two files in it to C:/Ruby187/bin. Then use the Gem system to install the Ruby connector: This may print out several warning messages, which you can ignore.

Mac OSX 10.6/10.5 (Snow) Leopard

  • To get started, you need to install XCode, but note that you will NOT be developing in XCode, you just need to have it installed. You can grab the dmg file here: We recommend the iPhone version if you have any interest in doing iPhone dev at any point. Also, you'll have to sign up for a free ADC account to download XCode.
  • Since Leopard includes an installation of Ruby on Rails by default, all that is required is updating your installation of Ruby, Gems (Ruby's packaging mechanism) and Rails. Follow the instructions below in order in your terminal. Some people have reported that the Rails update step failed the first time, but succeeded when they tried it again:
  • Install Sqlite3. MacOS Leopard already has Sqlite3 pre-installed, so all you need to do is install the Ruby connector: This may print out several warning messages, which you can ignore.


  • Check out Installing Ruby on Rails in Linux. The instructions include almost everything you should need for the project, except don't install MySQL as described in the instructions. Please note that we have only skimmed this page. We have not tested the instructions! If you have any problems, post on the class newsgroup so that TA's or other students can help you.
  • Install Sqlite3. We think that the following instructions should work, but we haven't tested them. Download the file and copy it to the directory containing the Ruby executable. Then use the Gem system to install the Ruby connector: This may print out several warning messages, which you can ignore.

The programming projects for this class require you to use Ruby 1.9.3 and Rails 4.0.0. If you don't already have these packages installed on your laptop, follow the instructions below to install them. The installation process is different depending on whether you are running Windows, MacOS, or Linux:



Ruby On Rails Download Mac Free

  • There is an all-in-one installer available at Click on the large 'Download Kit' button and follow the instructions. This will install Ruby, Rails, Sqlite, plus a few other things such as git.
  • Once the installer has completed, open a command window and type the following command to upgrade to Rails 4.0.0:

Mac OS X

Ruby on rails license
  • Recent versions of Mac OS X have Ruby and Rails installed by default, but you will need to upgrade to version 1.9.3 of Ruby and version 4.0.0 of Rails.
  • To get started, you will need to install XCode, but note that you will NOT be developing in XCode, you just need to have it installed. You can grab the dmg file here: We recommend the iPhone version if you have any interest in doing iPhone dev at any point. Also, you'll have to sign up for a free ADC account to download XCode.
  • If you are running Mavericks, you can use a simpler approach to installing XCode, which will install a lot less junk on your machine. Instead of following the instructions above, open a shell window and enter the following command: A popup window will appear asking for permission to install; go ahead with that. Once the installation finishes, invoke the following command in the shell window: After this command completes, exit the shell window (e.g. CMD+Q) and start a new shell window; use that new window for the rest of the commands below.
  • If you don't already have gcc installed, you will need to install it. To see if gcc is already installed, type 'gcc' in a shell window and see if the command is found. If not, you can get gcc from
  • Check your version of Ruby by typing 'ruby -v' in a shell window. If you are not running version 1.9.3, you will first have to install rvm, then use it to upgrade Ruby. To install rvm, follow the instructions at Once rvm is installed, upgrade Ruby with the following shell commands:
  • Once you are running Ruby 1.9.3, you can upgrade to Rails 4.0.0 with the following command:
  • Install Sqlite3. Mac OS X should already have Sqlite3 pre-installed, so all you need to do is install the Ruby connector: This may print out several warning messages, which you can ignore. If this prints error messages, it may be that you don't have Sqlite3 pre-installed; Google 'sqlite3 install macos' to find out how to install it.


We don't officially support Linux for this class, so you will be mostly on your own if you want to use it. However, we think the following instructions may work:

Ruby On Rails Tutorial

  • Check to see if Ruby is already installed with the correct version by typing 'ruby -v'. If it prints version 1.9.3 then you can skip the next few steps.
  • Install rvm by following the instructions at This page gives several possible commands for installing rvm; we recommend the following command:
  • Once rvm is installed, invoke the following shell commands, which will upgrade Ruby to 1.9.3 and make that the default version of Ruby on your machine.
  • Once you are running Ruby 1.9.3, you can upgrade to Rails 4.0.0 with the following command:
  • Install Sqlite3. Download the file and copy it to the directory containing the Ruby executable. Then use the Gem system to install the Ruby connector: This may print out several warning messages, which you can ignore.
  • Some Linux distributions come with Ruby 1.9.3 already installed. You can use this to skip some of the installation steps above, but if you do this, you may need to run some of the other installation commands above using sudo (e.g. 'sudo gem install rails -v 4.0.0' instead of 'gem install rails -v 4.0.0')
  • If you use apt-get to install packages, you may also need to use sudo in some of the commands above.
  • When using a GUI terminal to run rvm properly, you should set the terminal as a login shell; see for instructions.
  • Installations can take quite a bit of time (several minutes) before showing any output.
  • You can ignore warning messages about Ruby 1.9.3 going out of maintenance.